Help! I keep living like an NPC


  • The "NPC" lives within predefined boundaries and following known narratives.

  • Christians have freedom in Christ, offering an abundant life free from worldly constraints and filled with the Spirit.

  • Many Christians exhibit NPC behaviors, relying on their reasoning and choosing paths misaligned with God.

  • Move beyond the NPC lifestyle and actively follow God’s guidance for a fulfilling life.

Singapore is full of NPCs (non-playable characters). Our nation runs on a system, a factory production line through education to employment.

I'm not here to criticise the governance of my country (I certainly can't do any better), but I want to bring to light something that as a result has plagued the Singaporean church for decades.

What is an NPC?

An NPC is an individual following someone else's narrative. Their life is limited to what is known, lacking the experience of God and the spiritual. The NPC lives according to the 'flesh'.

The NPC is unable to do anything new. They may have some belief in their originality, but they prove lacklustre compared to everyone else. Their 'novel thoughts' may already have existed throughout human history.

Is there a thing of which it is said,
’See, this is new’?
It has been already
in the ages before us
— Ecclesiastes 1:10 ESV

For example, the NPC, when choosing what to do with their life, will ask what industry they can work in. In other words, they choose to be a replacement for someone else, a copy of a narrative.

I am not an NPC. However…

Christians are not meant to be NPCs. When we Christians were saved, we were given freedom to choose life, the abundant life Jesus promised.

By status, we are no longer confined to the systems of the world. We have access to life in the Spirit.

However, for some reason we find ourselves living like NPCs. Instead of thinking and acting as Jesus would, we fall back on our patterns, relying on our own reasoning and abilities.

Instead of asking God what he thinks, we live in the way we think is best.

NPChristians in disguise

It's easy to think that we aren't living like NPCs. It's frightening that many Christians will think that they are serving God, but in truth are not.

Especially if they're active in church, serving as leaders, or even doing Christian work outside of church.

On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
— Matthew 7:22-23 ESV

The NPC mentality is not confined to our actions. There is no specific activity that reveals our NPC status.

As long as we pursue a calling that is not God's, we revel in the NPC lifestyle.

Facing the ugly truth

Our decision to follow Jesus implies an expectation that our life would change, or else why even bother?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
— John 10:10 ESV

But our current choices don't reflect that. Did we even want to leave the NPC life?

The 'correct' answer every Christian will give is yes. You might brush this question off because it is so foundational, perhaps even out of fear.

I will not judge, nor do I want to, but every Christian must know their answer.

If our answer really is yes, we must live a life with God. We must pray. We must listen to his voice.

We must follow the infinite God, and not stuff him in a neat little box to make ourselves feel better about our shortcomings.

We were brought out of the NPC life. It's time to stop acting like one.


The Iceberg Beneath Our Church Struggles


Redemption is literally in our DNA (pt. 2)