Community Jakin Tan Community Jakin Tan

The Origin Of The NPChurch

Many young people are questioning and returning to scripture, exposing short-term solutions the Western Church improvised through history. The decline of the Western Church post-WW1/WW2 revealed weaknesses in its structures. As society moved on, the Church remained stuck in familiar traditions versus staying relevant. True reform requires humbly returning to God, not just tackling surface problems. We must align with Him first before taking care of His body the Church.

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Community Jakin Tan Community Jakin Tan

The Iceberg Beneath Our Church Struggles

The Singapore Church is struggling in several points. It is lagging, overworked, and divided. There is a root issue behind all the problems. The Singapore Church has lost its vision. A communal vision can only be formed with the sharpening and piecing together of every individual’s vision.

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Eternity Jakin Tan Eternity Jakin Tan

Help! I keep living like an NPC

The "NPC" lives within predefined boundaries and following known narratives. Christians have freedom in Christ, offering an abundant life free from worldly constraints and filled with the Spirit. Many Christians exhibit NPC behaviors, relying on their reasoning and choosing paths misaligned with God. Move beyond the NPC lifestyle and actively follow God’s guidance for a fulfilling life.

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Eternity Jakin Tan Eternity Jakin Tan

Redemption is literally in our DNA (pt. 1)

Redemption is not limited to religious assimilation but extends to the intricate beauty of nature. The Lake District, shaped by volcanic eruptions, showcases the emergence of new creations out of destruction. Nature's resilience and capacity for renewal reflect God's intentional design for redemption.

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Impact Jakin Tan Impact Jakin Tan

'Inviting' someone to follow Jesus means more than you think

Evangelism goes beyond forcefully converting others and imposing beliefs. It is about inviting people to experience the transformative power of the gospel and participate in God's restoration work. Demonstrating genuine care, serving others, and living out the principles of the gospel are essential in effectively sharing our faith.

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Impact, Direction Jakin Tan Impact, Direction Jakin Tan

Mission trip, or just tripping?

In the upcoming weeks, I'm heading to Europe, not just as a traveler, but on a personal mission trip. I'll connect with Christians and missionaries, share my insights on Abundant Life, and learn from them. Even in leisure, we can impact lives and expand our perspectives. Stay tuned for stories from my mission logs.

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Eternity Jakin Tan Eternity Jakin Tan

Our idea of "revival" puts God in a box (pt. 2)

Our idea of "revival" can put God in a box and limit our understanding of His work. New movements of God are ways for us to know His heart even better and we must seek to understand them. Revival dies when we think God has done "enough" and are satisfied with one miraculous event. We must ask where we fit into God's plans and align our will with His.

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